A Habitable House (The Shalamov House)
Object A Habitable House (The Shalamov House)
Dating 1842–1844.
Type A historical monument.
Status a cultural heritage site of regional importance.
Address 15 Orlova St., Vologda, Russia.
A brief description

The House is a representative example of Provincial Classicism.  It was originally built as a residence for the clergy of St. Sophia Cathedral.  Having spent his youth in the aforementioned house, it is commonly known as the Shalamov House; named after the Russian writer Varlam Tikhonovich Shalamov (1907–1982).

Condition good.
Contemporary use

The building is currently used by the Vologda Regional Art Gallery.  Russia’s only Shalamov museum is located here.  In addition, the museum displays exhibitions of Russian and Western European Art ranging from the 16th to the 19th century.

Information about the partner of the project